Renewal of the Concept of Democracy from the Spirit of Art


The work of the OMNIBUS is grounded in the Extended Definition of Art, which,
oriented toward the essence of freedom, enables people to throw off the structures
of outside domination.


The OMNIBUS, always together with More Democracy, is conceived as the instrument
of a new foundation of the idea of democracy within each person – hence the idea that
every person acts, with equal rights, as a responsible and capable co-shaper of society.
Joseph Beuys’ statement that “every person is an artist” is also in reference to that.


This new foundation of democracy can only occur directly; hence, direct democracy.
“Direct” means that it can only sprout within the human self, and that it can also only be
implemented directly by him or her, in the form of direct votes on all essential questions
which concern everyone. The principle of “election” must be supplemented at all levels
by the principle of “referendums.” The suitable form for that is a three-stage structure:
the popular initiative, the petition for a referendum, and the referendum vote.


Without this complementary element, merely parliamentary – i.e. indirect – democracy
steadily degenerates into party rule, which is increasingly experienced by people as
outside rule – as non-democracy. We have also long-since known that it has provided
a maneuverable force to be used in the interests of capitalist profit and of its power mono-
polies. The view that people are incapable of self-determination and self-government is
the fundamental error which, combined with a capitalism unfettered by democratic controls,
results in the devastating damage which we are familiar with as the ecological crisis, the
social crisis, the financial crisis, etc. These are all global catastrophes, not least among
their causes being abbreviated concepts which together yield an abbreviated concept
of humankind, which is in turn expressed in the dominant power structures. But people
are destined for liberty – not in its abbreviated form, but as creators of a higher form.
To fail to recognize this means to face demise, not only one’s own, but that of the
earth and all creatures living on it.


The question of democracy, posed thus directly, is an identity question. A very current
example of that is the question of a European identity transcending national boundaries.


The OMNIBUS journey out of Germany to the southeastern countries of Europe,
sponsored by the Goethe Institute in Athens, is a coherent picture. Wherever it goes,
it is not only a voice, but also an ear. How can the various languages transmit their
messages? Listening thoroughly to the voice of the other means starting anew in a
strange land, the origin of the idea of “democracy” – direct. And at the same time,
a recalled sense of the origin of this idea, 2500 years ago in Greece.


This is the path which the OMNIBUS for Direct Demo cracy in Germany is following,
together with MORE DEMOCRACY.


Johannes Stüttgen, Easter 2009

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OMNIBLOG (german only)

Reports from the OMNIBUS


Democracy in Motion: "Gerald Häfner in Wien"
Democracy in Motion: "München - Grande Finale"
Episode Skopje: Freedom Square
Delphi: Selbsterkenntnis = Selbstbestimmung
Democracy in Motion: Episode München "Rückkehr"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Wien "Demokratiefrage = Machtfrage"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Budapest "Mein Schatz ist der Markt"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Europa "Sprache"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Belgrad "Identität"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Cluj "Bäume in Not"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Istanbul "Plattentektonik"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Istanbul "Traffic"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Istanbul "Kunst = Kapital Istanbul"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Alexandroupolis "Chaos - Bewegung -Form"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Deutsche Schule Thessaloniki"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Athener Gespräche"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Aghia Paraskevi"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Deutsche Schule Athen"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Athen "Die Stunde der Demokratie"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Delfi / Athen
Democracy in Motion: Episode Thessaloniki "Ölbaum"
Democray in Motion: Episode Thessaloniki "Wahlkampf"
Democracy in Motion: Edition Stüttgen "Skopje"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Skopje "Bit Market - die Welt ist ein Bazar"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Sofia "Sofia Initiatives"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Sofia "Baumpflanzung"
Democracy in Motion: Episode Sarajevo
Democracy in Motion: Episode Sarajevo (Teil 2)
Democracy in Motion: Episode Zagreb Teil 2
Democracy in Motion: Episode Zagreb "Beuys für ein freies Schulwesen"
Democracy in Motion: Trailer Studenski Filozofski (croatian version)
Democracy in Motion: Trailer Studenski Filozofski (german version)
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Ljubljana II"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "Ljubljana: die Aktivisten von einst sind die Bonzen von heut"
Democracy in Motion: Episode "60 Jahre Grundgesetz" - Teil 2
Democracy in Motion: Episode "60 Jahre Grundgesetz" - Teil 1
Democracy in Motion: "Wiesbaden Episode Abschied"
Democracy in Motion "Wiesbaden: Episode Aufbruch"
Democracy in Motion - Official Trailer